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The Tubbataha Reef in the Sulu Sea is a protected marine sanctuary as Tubbataha Reefs National Marine Park. The reef is composed of two atolls, the North Atoll and the South Atoll, separated by a deep channel about 8 km wide. It has become one of the most popular dive sites in the Philippines because of its coral walls where the shallow coral reef stops abruptly to make room for deep water. The marine park is open to diving trips between April and June, when the waves are the calmest.
Since its discovery by divers in the late 1970s, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (TRNP) has been considered one of the world's most extraordinary dive sites, a dream trip for most divers. Recently, it was ranked eighth best dive site in the world by the CNN Travel website,
The Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is an important habitat for endangered and endangered marine species. The property is located in the Coral Triangle, a world center of coral biological diversity. The reefs of the property are home to 374 coral species, representing nearly 90% of all coral species in the Philippines. The reefs and seas of the property are also home to 11 species of cetaceans, 11 species of sharks and about 479 species of fish, including the famous Napoleon, which is under threat. The property is home to the highest known population densities in the world for white tip sharks. Pelagic species such as jacks, tunas, barracudas, manta rays, whale sharks and various shark species are also common here and the property is a very important breeding, resting and juvenile development area for two species. endangered marine turtles: green turtles and turtle hawks There are seven species of breeding seabirds and Bird Islet and South Islet are breeding grounds for seven resident seabird species and danger of disappearing. Christmas Frigatebird, a critically endangered island, regularly visits the property.

Mount Apo, on the island of Mindanao, is the highest point in the Philippines at 2,954 metres in height. Located about thirty kilometers from the city of Davao, this volcano was first climbed on October 10, 1880 by Don Joaquin Rajal. Mount Apo is a popular destination in the Philippines because its ascent is relatively easy unlike other great mountains in the Philippines. On May 9, 1936, Mount Apo became a national park. Indeed, the fauna around the volcano is exceptional, there are 270 species of birds of which a hundred is endemic and the very protected eagle of the Philippines.

Balabac Island is the southern-most island of the Palawan province in the Philippines, only about 50 kilometres (31 mi) north from SabahMalaysia, across the Balabac Strait.
Administratively, the island forms the main part of Balabac Municipality and is divided into 14 barangays (the other 6 barangays of the municipality are on other nearby islands):
Balabac Island is home to various endemic species. It is the home of birds like the grey imperial pigeon (Ducula pickeringii), Philippine cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia), blue-headed racket-tail (Prioniturus platenae), and the Palawan hornbill (Anthracoceros marchei). The Philippine mouse-deer, a subspecies of the greater mouse-deer (Tragulus napu) can only be found in this island.
The Molbogs, a Muslim ethnolinguistic group, is concentrated in this island. Their livelihood includes farming, fishing and barter trading with the nearby Mapun and Sabah market centres.
Top Awesome Experiences You Should not Miss!
The 2013 earthquake may have caused serious damage to Bohol’s popular churches and structures, but that doesn’t stop tourists from coming as there is more to Bohol than its Chocolate Hills, cute tarsiers, and old churches.
Stand Up Paddling (SUP) is the latest eco-adventure in the Philippines. And if you ever find yourself down south in Bohol, don’t miss the chance to paddle for 8kms across the Loboc River, one of the biggest rivers in the island. Here, you’ll get to experience local Boholano culture and natural sceneries from a unique vantage point–by gliding on water! You can even watch magical fireflies at night on a SUP board. Touring Bohol by SUP is a different experience. We glided through the waters and enjoyed nature where no cars or motorbikes could take us.
Anda is known for the best white beaches in Bohol. The public beach area in Anda is still not developed but there are exclusive cliff resorts with beautiful secluded coves. We just visited on a day trip and got a preview of the beach, the resort, and the food and were impressed by what we saw. We’ll definitely be back to do a full feature on Anda, Bohol.
One of the must-do activities in Bohol is watching the dolphins swim in their natural habitat near Pamilacan Island. It’s recommended to get the Bohol Island hopping tour from the resort you’re staying at, but you can also book a boat elsewhere depending on how big your group is. We prefer the island hopping speed boats used by Bellevue Resort, which are ideal for getting close to the dolphin action and are much faster than the bangkas. Snorkeling in the small Balicasag Island Sanctuary off the coast of Panglao, Bohol with a healthy and preserved coral reef full of fishes and even sea turtles!
The Buzzz Cafe is the retail store and cafe of Vicky Wallace’s Bohol Bee Farm, with 3 branches in Bohol and one in Cebu. The Alona Beach branch is popular for its healthy breakfast, a great view of Alona Beach, and its uniquely-flavored homemade ice creams. We love their healthy breakfast choices, the use of honey in their butter and sauces, and their unique ice cream flavors.
Their meats are a bit tough. I love the prices of the dishes (just around P200-300/dish). Budget about P600/head when dining here. Osang’s Homemade Broas Henann Resort Bohol Broas or ladyfingers are simply made of egg, sugar, and flour. Osang’s Broas are traditionally baked in a pugon (charcoal) oven and still use the original recipe. Make sure to order in advance as they only make enough batches per day as to not waste ingredients. The broas (P100 per bag) are a perfect pasalubong alternative to the usual peanut kisses.
A trip to Bohol isn’t complete without having to see the iconic Chocolate Hills, one of the natural wonders of the world. Chocolate Hills has over 1,247 hills spread out in Carmen Valley and neighboring towns. Tip:
The Chocolate Hills are brown during summer time, which make them look like Chocolate Kisses. The best place to see the Chocolate Hills is at Carmen view point where we had to walk 214 steps to reach the topmost deck. Chocolate Hills Adventure Park (CHAP) is an adventure park with ziplines, tree-top rope courses, and eco-trails. Conquer your fear with the 550-meter long Bike Zip featuring the picturesque Chocolate Hills as your backdrop. Take a closer look at the Chocolate Hills and the towns with an ATV ride. The unpaved road and rough terrain make the ride more exciting. We took the 1-hour tour that includes a guide. Our First stop was the three sisters, where you’ll get the best close up shot of the hill. Tarsier came from the word Tarsidaee meaning long legs. It is the oldest primate on earth, believed to have existed 45 million years ago before the dinosaurs became extinct. It has five characteristics :
  •  Owl-like eyes and nocturnal nature
  •  Ears as sharp as a bat’s
  •  A body like a monkey’s
  •  Tail like a mouse’s
  •  Legs like a frog’s that enable it to jump 3 meters from one branch to another.
They are considered endangered species because they are only able to produce one baby a year. They are very sensitive and have suicidal tendencies when caged by humans or brought to other places where they are not used to the weather. The tarsiers we saw were kept in a mini-forest where they are able to stay in their natural habitat.
7 Waterfalls That Make Iligan “The City Of Majestic Falls”
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